Author Archives: Fourchinnigan

About Fourchinnigan

Like a cat in heat for breakfast

Swollen Swab Swimmer

Well, it’s nice to have a break for a bit. I started working at the bookstore a few days ago. Between that and puppetshow performances, I have been quite busy.

Today (or Yesterday to be precise according to the time), Hillary Clinton was autographing her new book at the bookstore. That was somewhat chaotic, but not nearly as much as it could have easily been. Lots of people seem very interested in that book. The best part is there were probably a few thousand people lined up waiting for her all morning long while four (yes 4) protestors stood across the street. I don’t really know what they were protesting. Last I checked, writing books is neither a crime nor a means for protest. I guess there was nothing interesting on television today.

As for the puppetshow:
We performed Wednesday night at the Silverlake Lounge (as mentioned below), Saturday night at a birthday party, and Sunday afternoon at the Absolut Chalk Fest here in Pasadena. That isn’t counting rehearsals.

Chalk Fest is a cool event, the area around city hall is closed off for the weekend and numerous artists create artwork made entirely from chalk. Some even incorporate the cracks in the concrete in their work. It is amazing what some of these artists can create with chalk on concrete. Some of the pieces look like paintings. Maybe, I’ll do a chalk piece next year.

This is the Pasadena City Hall.

Well, off to Shonen Jump with me.

Magical Musical Mayhem

Last night we performed the Moodoo Puppetshow at the Silverlake Lounge. It went fairly well and the crowd was quite large most likely due to the first L.A. appearance of The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players for whom we opened. If you haven’t heard of them or seen them on Late Night with Conan O’Brien, they are a family that collects slides from estate sales and other venues. They then take these slides and create songs about them. During their performances they project the slides and sing along which is both entertaining, funny, and sometimes peppered with a bit of social commentary. They put on a great show.

Prostitutional Institutional Societal Sanity (P.I.S.S.)

Once upon a time, an AIM user who goes by the name Smelly Dead Goat told me a magical tale about a woman deep in debt who used the internet to defeat the monster that is financial slavery. Her name was Karyn.

I was a bit intrigued and being in a less than favorable financial situation myself, I sometimes thought of emulating her example. Thus, being on the brink of poverty has made me decide to do just that. I doubt I shall be as successful as she especially considering I can only advertise this so much without feeling filthy. Despite this, here she is: my page begging for money. Free me from debt, folks.

Masochistic Marital Morass

Good news:
I received a call from a bookstore where I interviewed yesterday. I finally have another full-time job. Hopefully, I can still do some freelance work on the side and rake in extra dough. The day before I walked 2 1/2 miles to an interview at Rite-Aid where the manager never bothered to show up and acted like a complete jerk when I called him later. So, I am glad I’ll be working at the bookstore instead where everyone seems friendly and nice.

Also, the Pasadena Weekly did spotlight me in this week’s paper.

If you live in Los Angeles, stop by the Silverlake Lounge Wednesday around 9:00pm and watch us perform a puppet show. Oh, and tell your friends.

Pasadena Weekly Submission

I contacted the “Pasadena Weekly” last week to see if they needed illustrators or comic guys. They told me to send them a 3X3 color image because they would be adding a local artist’s feature. Thus, I put the image below together the other night and submitted it. Hopefully it will appear in the magazine soon.

Chinny & E3

Well, I spent Thursday and Friday at the world-famous E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo). For those not in the know, it is a huge annual event where everyone slightly involved with the video game industry get together and reveal their products for the coming year. I enjoyed it. There are lots of games and peripherals coming out this year, but it’s primarily more of the same. Lots of sequels and reinventions of what you have already seen. I was excited to see the new multi-platform Ninja Turtles game that comes out in October. It is an action adventure fighting game like the older turtle games, but now in 3D with very nice cel-shaded graphics. It isn’t anything especially original, but as a turtles fan, it is nice to see a new good game on the horizon. If the turtles aren’t your thing, you can buy the almost identical Batman/Sin Tzu game instead. Metal Gear Solid 3 is also on the way. From what I gathered, it takes place in the jungle in the 60s. Apparently Snake is a pretty old guy. I also saw a vampire game for the GBA which comes with a sensor that interacts with the Sun. You take it outside, let it soak up sunrays and it powers up some of your weaponry. Whether the game is any good remains to be seen, but I have to give them some props for their originality (although it is a bit gimmicky). Another interesting gimmick is the Eye Toy. It keys the player into the game so you actually appear on screen and interact with the environment. While neat, it needs lots of refinement before it becomes anything truly interesting. Now that I live in L.A., I hope to return to E3 each year. This was my first attendance and from what I’ve heard it was smaller than usual. New consoles should be hitting the market in a few years, I figure those will garner the most impressive E3 exhibits in the coming years. There were lots of other things to see like the numerous models dressed as fetishy characters, the huge exhibits, etc. This isn’t really a video game website, so I’ll leave the rest of the reporting up to the pros.

Oh, as an interesting side note:
Thanks to Shok (FDA, Sillygoth), I met Tom Fulp (Newgrounds) and Synj(