This is the URL to my new improved portfolio/resume site. Visit it….now.
This is the URL to my new improved portfolio/resume site. Visit it….now.
Day Camp hath ended. Me shoes are still wet and filthy. I am unemployed. I need money. Send me some. I will be happy to sell my body for it if necessary. Yes, that includes for scientific purposes, who the hell would pay me for sex? Besides Snog’s Dad that is.
After almost three weeks of isolation, I have returned to the world of the wired.
I suck at Tennis.
The End.
Once upon a December moon
in the drench of sweat
as it gently croon
pouring froth from a generous jet
tears a flutter sinking to swoon
A spine that shivered with caresses many
Life was much this way till noon
Splendors of love that eve a plenty
I miss that luscious African Baboon
I need some advice. Should I let a wallaby fellate me for $300 and a trip to Australia? Seriously.
My testicles are cute.
Ahhhhh….the ever exciting intricacies of my life. Go see this folks- It will be premiering 1 June 2000 at under the online journal option.