There are bunnies throughout our world. There are rabbits, hares, whatever your preference. Yet, there is only one Fuzzy. Legends speak of a mysterious glen located nowhere, yet never too far from anywhere. Legend also speaks of a bunny, The Bunny...The Bunny of Cuteness. Many dispute legends and they have very good reasons to do so. Fuzzy, on the other hand is not merely a legend. He is a fact. Some mornings you may awake to find that you may not be as real as you would believe yourself to be. Fuzzy is at least as real as you.

First and foremost, Fuzzy is a bunny. Second and far more, Fuzzy is a man. As long as time could tell, for time is rarely more than one can remember, Fuzzy has always been in this glen. The only bunny with the fuzzy body of a fuzzy man. The cutest bunny with or without the fuzzy body of a fuzzy man. He was and many say still is the mentor of the forest creatures. Despite this, Fuzzy always felt an emptiness. He always felt out of place. There was more to this world than this glen, than this legend. This bunny was more than cute, he was ambitious, even curious. He left the glen and walked into a world of man, a world not meant for bunnies. This is his story.

Installment #02: Immersion Part 1 of 3
10 September 2001-As Relayed by Fuzzy

Fuzzy slept not so soundly the night after his big decision. Granted sleeping on the ground often causes for difficult sleep, but when you are coated in cushiony cuddly bunny fur, this is less of a dilemma. The reason for Fuzzy's uncomfortable rest was the intrusion of his first nightmare. When Fuzzy awoke he was shaken and shivering. To top it off, his neck was crickey and even a little crackey. He was also a bit saddened because, although he had experienced his first full-fledged nightmare, he was unable to remember it upon awaking. To make matters worse, the fear was still with him, bouncing about his bones, yet he had no idea what was causing it. Regardless, he made his way towards the edge of the wood. He knew he grew nearer to the edge because the wood grew denser and populations of friends grew smaller. Each bid him farewell, good luck, and a few told him to beware. He had no idea why he need be wary. The glen was a wonderful place and the outside must be even greater. When Fuzzy reached the edge of the wood, his eyes devoured their first visions of the outside world. There was grass, more grass, and lots (I mean lots, no... I mean loads) of water. he stopped in his tracks when he almost tripped over an odd creature. One he had never had the pleasure of meeting before.

"Watch it, Mister."
"No, sir...not mister, my name is Fuzzy."
"In that case, I'm not mister...I'm Iggy"
"Nice to meet you, Iggy"
"What is nice about it?"
Fuzzy stood perplexed for a moment, "What isn't nice about it?"
The stranger cackled, "Not only are you clumsy, but stupid as well"
Fuzzy was perplexed again, "Stupid? Is that a kind of food?"
Iggy laughed again, ", it is not...but I fear you soon may be."
Fuzzy stepped back, "I am not food, silly. I am a bunny. The cutest bunny. Perhaps you have heard of me. I come from the glen deep in the woods, but not too deep." Fuzzy smiled.
Iggy grinned, "I am an Iguana. That is a sort of lizard. I come from outside the glen where it helps to be green so that birds and other things do not eat you. You are white and fuzzy and have no natural camoflauge."
Fuzzy flashed a toothy smile, "Yes, I am Fuzzy. I'm glad you remembered."

The Iguana smirked and began waddling, if that is what you may call it, away from our naive hero. Fuzzy had a hard time keeping an eye on the wee lizard, for after all he was a wee lizard and his skin did everso match the colors of the grass. Yet, bunnies do dine frequently on carrots and all mommies and kiddies know what carrots do for the eyes. Not to mention, Fuzzy's eye glasses also came in handy when trying to spy, read, or watch things. In this case he was doing neither, he was trying to follow. His prescription didn't cover this phenomenon, but they were working fairly well regardless.